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6 Winter Eye Wellness Tips

6 Winter Eye Wellness Tips

With winter comes dropping temperatures, cold winds, and low humidity — all of which bring unique challenges to caring for your eyes and vision. Though you might be tempted to ignore cold weather eye symptoms, don’t! Be aware of symptoms including eye...

Glaucoma Myths vs. Reality: 10 Things You Need to Know

Glaucoma Myths vs. Reality: 10 Things You Need to Know

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma is a serious eye condition, but it isn’t widely understood. Called the “silent thief of sight,” glaucoma is a group of diseases that raise eye pressure and slowly damage the optic nerve, causing permanent...

9 Fun Eye Facts in Observance of World Sight Day

9 Fun Eye Facts in Observance of World Sight Day

October 10 marks World Sight Day, a global event dedicated to raising awareness about eye health, preventing blindness, the various diseases that affect our vision, and the effects those conditions can have on everyday life. The global observance day was launched by...

9 Critical Visual Skills for Student Athlete Success

9 Critical Visual Skills for Student Athlete Success

9 Critical Visual Skills Student Athletes Need to Perform Their Best It’s that time of year again! Back-to-school means back-to sports—and competition is ramping up for exciting seasons of football, soccer, baseball, basketball, golf, and tennis, plus any...

5 Questions About Dry Eye Symptoms and Care

5 Questions About Dry Eye Symptoms and Care

July is National Dry Eye Awareness Month. It is estimated that at least 17 million and up to 50 million Americans suffer moderate to severe symptoms from Dry Eye. Twice as many women as men experience the pain and discomfort of Dry Eye. A significant percentage of...

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